
By Thanh Christopher Nguyen 10 Jun 2004

Hmmm? I don’t feel like reading, for some reason. I don’t feel like writing, and there isn’t much to do after seven in the morning, except Re-Q a couple of tapes for a cut-in tease for the noon news, and wait for the 25 and 55 minutes, to go punch something into the teleprompter. When I get there, I feel like I should be snorting coke like it’s free, and after seven in the morning, I feel like I should OD on the stuff, because there’s nothing better to do.

<p>Everyone asks me if I like my job, and I say, I don&#8217;t dislike it.  It&#8217;s like saying you&#8217;re dating someone because there&#8217;s no one better to date, or something like that.  It&#8217;s a definate indication that I should be doing something else.</p>

<p>I&#8217;m still waiting to hear back from Nova.  I&#8217;d like to go work in Japan, teaching English for a couple of years and working on a screenplay and a TV show portfolio.  I just may become an RA in Limestone for a year, just to get the other side of the coin, and to refresh things in my mind for a story I&#8217;d like to write based on the experiences.</p>

<p>My friend moved out to Seattle, and didn&#8217;t even call to say goodbye.  That sucked. </p>

<p>My sister and Kellee (www.kelleeart.com) are getting along well.  I&#8217;m glad, and I hope Manda moves to Florida, because I bet the two of them would raise hell together, and I could go visit and the three of us would most likely cause the end of the world.  If Kellee were my soul-mate, and Amanda were my twin, then the three of us combined would be f&#8217;n Voltron or something.</p>

<p>You know what I love?  The thick smell of lilacs as I drive down the Georgia highway.</p> 

Tags: lilacs amanda work japan