almost famous

By anders pearson 20 Jan 2005

MTV (and MTV2 + MTVU) is currently airing a short piece that features music (for robots). it’s one of those hourly news break things that they’ll repeat over and over again for a few days. i haven’t actually seen it yet, but i heard that it first ran during TRL (hah!).

the story is mostly about this kid in one of jP’s classes and his band who are getting famous because of the exposure we gave them on the site.

last week they interviewed jP, blair and myself. the interview lasted about an hour. the piece was supposed to be edited down to a 2 minute segment of which we would be a small part. unfortunately, because of the presidential inauguration, they had to edit it down even further to 1 minute. as a result, jP was the only one of us that actually had any time on screen (and only a few seconds).

still, between this and being nominated for a PLUG award, we’re pretty damn surprised at all the attention we’ve been getting.

now it remains to be seen whether the site will manage to hold up to the increased traffic.

Tags: media fame music for robots mtv shameless self-promotion