post 204
By anders pearson 18 Nov 2000
i’m hacking together a new version of /dev/random with all kinds of neat tricks and features right now. get in any suggestions now while it’s still early enough for me to add them. already it will have: bookmarks integrated, sketches seperated into their own section and posts will appear on the page in order of the time of the most recent comment attached to that one and by order of the time the post was posted. that means that it will be easier for people to see if a comment has been posted since their last visit since it will move that post up to the top. it will also make it so comments on posts that have moved off the front page won’t get lost in the archive, never to be read. it would also mean that any topic that is particularly interesting to people will stay up for longer as long as people are interested in the discussion attached to it. search capabilities will also make an appearance.
there will also be a little surprise :)
and of course, a new design.