
By anders pearson 04 Mar 2002

lani was up for the weekend. we intended to hang out with mimi while she was back visiting new york but managed to miss her at every turn.

<p>on friday night we went down to some club called the &#8216;slipper room&#8217; in soho to see Avenue D (daphne and debbie&#8217;s dirty rap group) perform. everyone there was young and annoyingly trendy. there was excitement in the air because a rumor was floating around that Daft Punk was hanging out in the club that night. but no one knows what they look like so it turned into a game of &#8216;spot the french guys&#8217;. they probably look just like any of the other young trendy people though so i don&#8217;t think anyone was successful.</p>

<p>Avenue D was good though. they had 6 or 7 songs this time; much more than the 1 and a half songs they had last time we saw them. while it doesn&#8217;t seem possible, they&#8217;ve gotten even raunchier. apparently they&#8217;re even starting to build a small following.</p>

<p>on saturday caron came over and we went out for mexican food (living in a latino neighborhood means that i have to deal with a near constant assault of loud salsa and spanish dance music but redeems itself with the high availability of quality burritos) and watched Ghost World.</p>