make money. now.

By jp 07 Mar 2001

I think one piece of software the net is sorely lacking, and though rather useless would probably download like hotcakes and be incredibly popular, would be a cross-platform universal chat client. it pisses me off to have to use MSN messenger to chat with my japanese friends, ICQ to anyone who’s computer savvy, and AIM to chat to my ninny brother who refuses to switch. I don’t even bother with my Yahoo IM friends.

one client that could maintain a contact list across all services and send and recieve from the appropriate servers based on contacts would be a nice little thing to have, for those of us to cheap to have long distance (which gets a little pricey going to the other side of the globe).

so if any of you programming enabled folks out there want a quick million, write it, distriubute it, sell it, get rich and send me a holiday card.