By lani 07 Jan 2002

that must be an acronym for some kind of military roaming device…

<p>so i&#8217;m moving.  this time i signed a lease for an entire year!  i figured it out and if you count the hotel i stayed in for two weeks and when i was semi-nomadic, i&#8217;ve moved 5 times since july.</p>

<p>friday, i:</p>


<p><li>took the wrong train home</li></p>

<p><li>found myself in Lorton, Virginia</li></p>

<p><li>flagged down a cop and got dropped off in seven eleven where i had 2 cops of coffee, 10 oz. of carrot sticks, and 3 cigarettes while i waited for my mom and my sister to come pick me up and also pissed off all the regulars with by incessantly asking for directions and relaying them over the cell phone.</li></p>

<p><li>decided in the car to help my family drive the moving caravan (yes, they&#8217;re moving too&#8230;)to Atlanta as soon as possible</li></p>

<p><li>bought energy drinks, luna bars, metabolife, and gum.</li></p>

<p><li>left at midnight after a family pill-popping session and embarked on what turned out to be a seventeen hour trip including stops for more stimulants and stops for our bodies to randomly pass out from the abuse.</li></p>


<p>but i got back to dc on sunday and moved some of my stuff from virginia to dc, but there&#8217;s oh so much more moving to do.  woe woe woe is me.</p>