
By lani 17 Jan 2002

my attempts to quit smoking have been futile. i think i was only trying to quit because i was only becoming more paranoid and sketched out from potential confrontation from the bosses and demi-bosses whilst smoking. and that someday the inevitable confrontation about smoking and not maintaining a “professional image” would come up.


<p>blessed were the days when conversations went as such:</p>

<p>&#8220;you know smoking will kill you&#8230;&#8221;</p>

<p>&#8220;yeah, i know.  i think of it as casual suicide.&#8221;</p>


<p>also, had an indie rock relapse.  i don&#8217;t think listening to emo at work is good for my health though. got the get up kids and <a href="">the strokes</a> single.</p>

<p>my roommate is going to wire the basement over the weekend so we network our computers down there&#8230;so hopefully i will be online more often soon.  we still have order the service though.  one of my favorite roommate moments thus far has been: washing dishes concentrating very hard on the exact curvature of a stainless steel pot and its interaction with the nylon fiber scrubber to look up and see&#8230;chris dressed in his usual nebraskan (all acid washed and flannel) through the cut out in the wall who then sings part of a van halen song, yehaws and points the power drill in air and gives it a twirl for accentuation in hearty &#8220;excited cowboy stance&#8221;.</p>


<p>as josef says: <span class="caps">XOXOUT</span></p>