"TurboGo" or "Admitting Your Quirks"

By lani 06 Mar 2002

my sister’s boyfriend left TurboGo on my mom’s computer as a gift, and i finally visited the site. i was happy to find the download, tutorials, history, etc. i figured it would be a good idea to start with a program, because finding a)go players and b)someone i’m comfortable with has been difficult. somebody told me you could play online too, but i’m afraid.

<p>part &#8220;b)&#8221; is a funny lani-ism (although maybe other people share it?).  i really don&#8217;t like competitive games. i didn&#8217;t like chess or scrabble. (my father made us play.)  and i never really got into debate, even though i kept going.  </p>

<p>i like Go, though.  i like the lack of heirarchy.  the simple rules, but the complex nature.  i like what you learn from and about your partner.  and it&#8217;s weird, but i can only really play with lovers and would-be lovers.  i&#8217;ve tried to play with other people, but it hasn&#8217;t worked out.  i often make the comparison to <a href="http://inkpot.com/film/pillowbook.html"> &#8220;The Pillowbook&#8221;</a>, when i try to explain it to other people. </p>

<p>amy hare thinks i shouldn&#8217;t change a thing, that it belongs to the sacrosanct world of &#8220;quirk&#8221;. but what if i never play go again.  i think it&#8217;s silly of me, but i haven&#8217;t succeeded in driving it into exile yet.  so TurboGo, here we go&#8230;</p>